
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Cambridge University

Royce at Imperial Launch Promo 2023
Imperial College London

Finura Thrive Event London

Norfolk Record Office Sound Preservation Services

Dr Katharina Marquardt for 'Women@Imperial'
Imperial College London

InHaus Performance Promo for KlangHaus

QuEST at Imperial Launch Promo 2023
Imperial College London

Dr Shelly Conroy for Royce at Imperial College London

Norwich Arts Centre 40/40 Campaign

Pip Blom – 'Truth'
Promo video shot in Amsterdam for GGAGG Records
My first music video, I leave it here as it's racked up over 100,000 views (and Pip Blom are still great).

True Stories Live Promo

‘Home – Solo’ Promo for Ensemble Dance